Principal Contractor



Interdisciplinary Management
Construction Design
As-Built Drawings

Building Type

Office Buildings

Cost of Works

6.000.000 €

Floor Area

19.400 Mq


2023-in corso


Rozzano (MI)

Milanofiori Palazzo N-M

The project entails the extraordinary maintenance of two existing buildings, including a connecting basement. The buildings will be linked by a covered walkway on the ground floor that will perform as service and entrance hall.

The intervention is aimed at optimizing energy performance and obtaining the BREEM In-Use certification.

L’edificio principale “N”, con destinazione d’uso uffici per vari tenant, si erge su 6 piani fuori terra più un interrato ad uso parcheggi. L’edificio secondario “M” comprenderà quindi anche una mensa sita al piano terra. Gli uffici invece saranno destinati al piano primo.

The Principal Contractor required our intervention to manage and engineer the civil and architectural project at base bid price. Our support in managing tricky design steps on the glass walls as well as engineering systems and updating construction technologies to comply with acoustics and fire safety requirements was crucial.


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