Principal Contractor



Construction Design
As-Built Drawings

Building Type

Office Buildings

Cost of Works

8.300.000 €

Floor Area

6.000 Mq





Torre della Cultura

The newly built facility is called to accommodate Tecniche Nuove’s new operational headquarters. The elliptical tower extends over 15 floors above ground for a total height of about 60 meters, besides two underground floors for parking. Floors are mainly used for open-plan offices, meeting rooms and conferences.

We took care of developing the detailed and constructive architectural design and the following as-built design.

torre della cultura D&D

“Torre della Cultura” is marked by particular formal simplicity: the exposed concrete and especially the holes in the panels due to the tie rods allowed to insert special LED devices in the facade. They combine with the light devices in the panels next to the tower glass walls and create singular color and light effects that characterize the building and make it notable also in the evening.


Headquarter D&D s.r.l.

Operational Headquarter