Principal Contractor



Cost & Value Engineering
Final Design and Executive Project
Construction supervision
Safety and security Management


Home Students

Cost of Works

8.300.000 €

Floor Area

10.000 Mq


2018 – 2021



Bicocca Campus

Within the redevelopment of the BICOCCA district in Milan, we built a new student dorm with 112 studio apartments for university students under the Besta-Bicocca program agreement.

Bicocca D&D
Bicocca D&D

In this project, the cornerstone founding the design and building processes was compliance with the budget.

Bicocca D&D

The project concept was partially inherited by the transferee of the area during acquisition. We were called to develop and optimize an initial idea, without losing sight of the functional aspect and the regulatory constraints of the work.

The newly built tower building’s simplicity and whiteness were dynamized with scattered bow windows and playful colored glass that creates a pleasant play of light, especially on sunny days.

In this project, the cornerstone founding the design and building processes was compliance with the budget. We fully met our goal through several optimizations performed on the existing concept and during construction.


Headquarter D&D s.r.l.

Operational Headquarter